Sustainable Management

Supply Chain Management

Hyundai Welding is committed to achieving excellence as a top-tier company, driving towards the collective prosperity of stakeholders and the community under our corporate vision, 'BESCOM' (Best Company, the best management performance, and value creation). To fulfill this vision, we have established a 'Supplier Code of Conduct' that encompasses the creation of a safe working environment, respect for workers, adoption of environmentally friendly policies, and cultivation of ethical awareness.
We require all domestic and foreign suppliers of Hyundai Welding to faithfully comply with our Supplier Code of Conduct, as well as adhere strictly to both domestic and international laws. As a global enterprise, Hyundai Welding systematically manages ESG risks throughout our supply chain, ensuring sustainability and responsible practices at every stage.

The term "Supplier(s)" encompasses a broad spectrum of entities including sub-vendors, subcontractors, consultants, training institutions, investment partners, and any other individuals or corporations engaged in business activities with Hyundai Welding Group.

Hyundai Welding Supplier Code of Conduct

1. Compliance with laws and regulations

1.1 Supplier shall conduct business activities fairly and transparently and operate in full compliance with the laws of its respective country.

1.2 Supplier shall adhere to all relevant international trade standards for all products manufactured and sold.

2. Child labor and forced labor

2.1 Supplier shall not exploit labor from children or employ persons under 15 years or age or younger than the minimum working age. Individuals under the age of 18 must receive the compulsory education mandated by law without exception. Furthermore, their work characteristics or working environment shall not harm their health, safety or morality.

2.2 Supplier shall not force workers to work against their individual will or demand their service by threat or coercion.

3. Human rights and Safety

3.1 Supplier shall respect employees as independent individuals and ensure the provision of suitable working conditions conducive to a safe environment.

3.2 Supplier must implement necessary measures to establish a safe and healthy working environment, mitigating the risk of accidents and injuries, while also adhering to legal requirements concerning working conditions.

3.3 Supplier shall refrain from engaging in unfair discrimination against employees on the basis of gender, religion, age, nationality, educational background, appearance, disability, or any other grounds.

3.4 Supplier shall acknowledge that workplace bullying and sexual harassment are strictly prohibited. Accordingly, the supplier shall foster a work environment that prevents any form of behavior detrimental to healthy interpersonal relationships, including physical, verbal, and visual harassment.

3.5 Supplier shall fully adhere to all company policies and procedures concerning wages and working hours, ensuring compliance with relevant laws and regulations established by the respective country.

4. Environment

4.1 Supplier shall maintain a clean environment throughout all stages of product development, production, utilization, and disposal.

4.2 Supplier shall undertake reasonable measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by enhancing energy efficiency.

4.3 Supplier shall monitor greenhouse gas emissions and establish targets for greenhouse gas reduction in accordance with the Paris Climate Change Agreement.

5. Corruption and bribery

5.1 Supplier shall strictly prohibit bribery and any other forms of corruption that violates regulations set forth in domestic and international anti-corruption laws.

5.2 Supplier shall develop a process for reporting unethical behavior and actively foster an organization culture aligned with ethical principles. .

5.3 Supplier shall adhere to obligations concerning the protection, collection and appropriate handling of confidential and personal information.

5.4 Supplier must ensure that business judgments remain independent and free from biased opinions or external undue influence.

6. Fair-trade

6.1 Supplier shall adhere to the principle of free competition, ensuring that all transactions are conducted in a fair and transparent manner.

6.2 Supplier shall refrain from leveraging its superior position to force or influence unfair practices

Supplier Code of Conduct PDF Korean Supplier Code of Conduct PDF English
